Friday, February 1, 2008

Series 2 complete

Another one down. Another one bites the dust. I said that series one was a warm up for me, but it apparently was a warm up for my writers too. Series 2 was very funny, and looking at the next sets, they just get better. I'm gonna try to throw them a few curve balls down the road, so I hope they're prepared. Also, as a side note, the robot in this series' comic is probably my favorite character of all the ones I've made so far. I may post some of my character sketches at a later date, but for now, I'm concentrating on getting the main comic down. I'm actually currently recieving stuff for the 4th and 5th series, and am starting the type on the 3rd. Look for it in a few!



Guest this series is Ian Melcher, who does some sort of major... not related to mine. I think it might be something with computers? Either the use or construction of them... Oh well, enjoy the end of series 2!


P.T.'s, who is very kind in not gving me walls of text...


Jeff's second.


Matt's solo. I'm 90% sure he was drunk when he wrote this.


Graeme's. Heh, touch my box indeed.


Alison's #2. By the way these are in no particular order, just randomly posted, except the last one will always be the guest comics.


Number two by Barry. He thinks he's funny because he makes fun of me in this comic. He forgets I draw this comic. We'll see who's laughing later...


First one of series 2 by Jackie!